Alignment Balancing and Tyre Care

Let us help you keep your wheels in motion with our expert tire replacement services

Your car tires need to be in good condition for your safety. Car tyres keep your car gripped to the road. Also, you need to ensure the car wheels are aligned and balanced for a great driving experience. 

If you’re experiencing unusual vibration or poor handling while driving or have low tyre threads and other problems, it’s time to get your car tires checked.

Tarun Motors is a well-known name in car servicing and we offer top-notch tyre replacement services in Surat at affordable prices.

Common Tyre Problems

Difficulty in Moving the Car Steering

If you experience difficulty in moving your car steering while operating then it could be due to a lack of tread or even uneven tire wear.

Lack of Traction

Another common problem with unaligned car tyres is when you lose grip on corners and have issues while braking and turning. This may cause problems in the car’s ABS system under hard braking.

Tyre Wear

If the car tires are not aligned properly, it could lead to uneven tire wear such as uneven outer tire edge wear or inner edge wear.

Tire Replacement Services at Tarun Motors

  • Tire Replacement

Tires are one of the most important components of your car as they keep the car gripped to the road. At Tarun Motors, we offer awheel alignment and wheel balancing services to ensure you get the best out of the tires.

  • Tire Rotation 

Tire rotation is recommended as it will help the tires to wear out evenly. The weight on the front axle is different from the rear and so it is important for them to be aligned and balanced. Tire rotation services at Tarun Motors can help increase the lifespan of the tires.

  • Tire Repair Services

We offer tire repair services in case of tire punctures that include tire stem replacement. 

  • Nitrogen Inflation

We recommend that you fill your car tires with Nitrogen to prevent tire punctures. Nitrogen also runs cooler than the normal atmospheric air.


Tire Replacement Services

Tips to Maintain the Good Condition of Car Tires

Tips to Maintain the Good Condition of Car Tires
  • We recommend you get your car tires aligned once every six months from a professional car servicing center in Surat.

  • Make sure that the tire threads are checked as uneven tire threads may indicate misaligned or out-of-balance wheels.

  • Ensure that your car tires have sufficient inflation pressure. The recommended tire pressure is printed on the owner’s manual or driver door sills.

  • Make sure to get the car tire rotation done after every 10,000kms for even tire wear.

  • Avoid spinning your wheels


It is recommended to make sure your car tires are always in a good condition. At Tarun Motors, we have a wide choice of tires from different brands offering you a great choice for tire replacement service in Surat.

At Tarun Motors, we offer needful services such as car tire rotation,car tire replacement services, and maintenance repairs at affordable prices.

At Tarun  Motors, we offer different brands of tires for car tire replacement services. From Apollo, Falken, Continental, and CEAT to many more, you have a wide choice of tires to choose from.

At Tarun Motors, we strive for customer satisfaction. We offer an efficient warranty period on every car tire replacement service depending on the brand and the model of the tires.

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